CCSAM 2021-2022 Provincial Development Program

The CCSAM PROVINCIAL COACH & ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (Provincial Development Program or PDP) is a comprehensive, provincially based program designed to promote and support excellence in the sport of cross country skiing.

Here is an overview of what our program provides:

  • Coordination of provincial training camps & athlete testing;
  • Provincial competition schedule;
  • Selection criteria for traveling teams including National Championships and Canada Winter Games;
  • Coaching and waxing technical support for traveling teams;
  • Financial assistance for athletes & coaches;
  • Opportunities for coaching professional development;
  • Provincial Program clothing items as available.


The Provincial Program is for athletes in the Train to Train through Train to Win stages of development (Masters athletes are not eligible).

From a chronological perspective athletes typically enter the Train to Train stage at 12 years of age.

Athletes and parents should consult with their club coach to determine whether or not registration in the CCSAM Provincial Program is appropriate.

This program is not for beginners but for athletes who have raced at least 1 full season and are committed to an annual training & competition plan managed by a personal &/or club coach.

All athletes must be registered members in good standing of a registered CCSAM club.

Athletes must read and understand the Athlete Registration and Agreement (Code of Conduct).

There is no deadline for registration; however, please note that the ski season begins with dryland training in the spring. For planning, logistics & communications reasons we ask that athletes register by May 1st each year.

More information can be found on the Provincial Development Program section of the CCSAM website.

Register Now
Registration open Apr 28, 2021Jan 17, 2022
Registration is Closed